Art-activist collective Berlin Buyers Club stages its first demonstration.

Art-activist collective Berlin Buyers Club stages demonstration in front of the German Ministry of Health to demand the release of the off-label list for Long Covid and MECFS and an end to forced rehab for people suffering from PEM.

[Berlin, 23rd of August 2024] — Today, the art-activist collective Berlin Buyers Club joined forces with a group of Covid Long Haulers and organised a powerful demonstration in front of the German Ministry of Health, demanding the immediate release of the "off-label list" and an end to forced rehabilitation for individuals suffering from Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM). The sit-in, which attracted over 60 participants, was a striking display of the urgent need for proper medical care and transparent government action.

During the protest, the demonstrators sat in front of the Ministry of Health building, holding posters with their demands. In a striking and symbolic gesture, some participants lay in a cardboard coffin to highlight the dire and potentially life-threatening situation they face due to inadequate care. It is worth mentioning that all participants protected themselves and others from reinfections by wearing a respirator mask.

The "off-label list" refers to a list of medications that, while not officially approved for treating Long Covid and MECFS, could still be prescribed and covered by insurance based on emerging evidence of their effectiveness. Demonstrators argue that the lack of urgency and transparency surrounding this list is preventing patients from accessing treatments necessary for many to improve basic functionality and the ability to maintain personal hygiene and self-care.

Germany's healthcare system mandates rehabilitation before granting disability pensions, and often also after longer periods of sick pay. However, the forced rehabilitation programs imposed on patients suffering from Post Exertional Malaise (PEM) have been widely criticised for exacerbating symptoms rather than providing relief. Additionally, due to a lack of infection mitigation, rehabilitation facilities increase the risk of reinfection, further deteriorating patients' health. With data showing that most people with Long Covid worsen with reinfections, it's clear this system needs urgent reform. 

The BBC collective, known for its bold and creative activism, organised today's protest as part of a broader campaign to draw attention to the systemic neglect faced by Long Covid and MECFS patients. By using art and symbolism, the collective aims to amplify the voices of those who are often unheard in the healthcare system.

The BBC collective urges the Ministry of Health to act immediately by releasing the off-label list and putting an end to forced rehabilitation “therapies” that do more harm than good.

About Berlin Buyers Club
Berlin Buyers Club is an international grassroots art-activist collective that seeks to spread awareness and advocate for treatments and justice for Long Covid and ME/CFS. The collective is dedicated to using creative expression as a means of social and political activism, bringing attention to critical issues through art, performance, and public demonstrations.


Berlin Buyers Club Organises Second Protest for Long Covid and MECFS Care